Friday, October 7, 2011

Whimsical Wednesday Halloween Blog Hop!

Hi My Friendly Bloggers
Welcome to are Halloween Blog Hop!
We are so Happy you could join us.You should have arrived here from
Nanne: your just stopping by to say Hi and would like to play along,You can start at the beginning at Whimsical Wednesday

For the Blog Hop I wanted to make a special home decor so I decided to paint one of my favorite Halloween  digitals that I drew.I took a sheet of plywood 4x8 and transfered the image to it.It is 4ft tall by 6ft wide,I then primed it then painted it with an exterior paint.I used to make this type of decoration all the time and even sold quite a few.At one craft show I sold over $2000 worth .I have been wanting to do a Halloween decoration for a while so it was kinda cool to do it again especially because this one is my design so it made it even more special , but it reminded me how much work it was LOL!
Just to show you how tall it is,here is Tiffany standing behind it.

Here is the same image on my card,also used this card for a Button.

Please be sure to visit all the blogs in the hop,the talented Design Team have some wonderful projects for you to see.

Here is a list of our sponsors
1. Stampin Daisies: $10.00 Gift Certificate
2. Trendy Twine: Original Sample Pack
3. Trade Fish Designs:  /Rest In Peace Stamp Set
4. Prairie Bird Boutique: one bundle of Shabby Crinkle Ribbon-you get to chose the bundle.
 The grand prize for the hop is from PSA Essentials. It is a stamp package valued at $75.00 and includes the Stamper Body, A Peal and Stick Stamp Set, and an Orange/Black Inker. In order to be eligible for the blog candy you must leave a comment on each blog and then go back to Whimsical Wednesday at the end of the hop and leave a comment.

To qualify you have to leave a comment and become a follower.
Winner's will be posted on Wednesday
First random winner will receive
Three of my Halloween digitals and
Second random winner will receive
Three of my Christmas digitals

Your next stop is
She is sure to have a AWESOME porject for you to see :)

Thank you for joining us for the Whimsical Wednesday blog hop.
Hope you enjoyed My Little Creations!:)
 Have fun hoping :)


Unknown said...

OMG!!! You crazy creative woman. I could not wait to see this, and really could not picture it as you were telling me about it. It is incredible. Emily is on my lap and she LOVES it!!! Gee Cindy, I think you may be in trouble I am envisioning something that I want for my craft room. Totally fabulous my sweet friend;) Hugs!

Kate said...

HOLY MOLY. I mean Wow Cindy. This is just leaving me speechless. Your digi is already amazing to me and to see it transferred like this is just even more amazing. I can't wait to see your Christmas Digi. My son is going to be so amazed too when he see's this.

Amazing Work Cindy like always.

Glora said...

WOWZERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't even know where to start dear friend! This is absolutely BEAUTIFUL and AMAZING!!!!! I can't even express how much I LOVE it other than that I WANT one of these right outside my front door too! AMAZING!!!! GORGEOUS!!!! PERFECT!!!! You are incredible!!!!!!!!!! Hugs- Glora

joni said...

OMG...this is one of my favorite digi images!!!! I used it on a card for this hop too!!! I love your shading....I'm still working on that! I LOVE that you used Plywood and created a yard decoration...that is so awesome!!! Love it Cindy!!! TFS

Cathryn said...

This is gorgeous Cindy! Your home must be the talk of the town, wow!!! Love and Hugs, Cathryn :)

Robin said...

Awesome project. I really love the home decor project and your card is awesome. Great Job!!

the cricut scrapper at yahoo dot com

Kim B said...

What a darling card!

Kimberly J. said...

This image is so cute!! You did an awesome job!! I just want to color it!! :)
cutie.jensen at

Karen said...

Wow! Your yard decoration is amazing! Very cute! :)


jessica said...

This is just FAB Cindy! You are truely one AMAZING crafter!
TFS your talent!

Mallika said...

wow .. that is jaw dropping
tiffany looks so cute !

Alvina said...


Jovan said...

OMG...This is AMAZING! I love how you did that and the matching card is ADORABLE!

ClaireR said...

OMG!!! What an amazing project and matching card. I love, love, love this pumpkin design. Thank you for sharing!
Im a new follower now :)

jennyplace2 said...

O.K. Now this is just to cool, I think this should be your blog candy! LOL! What a fine artist you are, why are you not doing this full time????? I would think you could make a million doing it. Great project my friend. TFS!

Jade said...

Unbelievable! That is truly amazing!

Leinad said...

Wow.....I'm speechless.

Eva Laney said...

wow, that is so awesome. I wish I had one for my yard!!! Great job!
Eva :0)
evascrapslife at Gmail dot com
I have a giveaway on my blog

Indy's Designs said...

You are amazing! What a great outdoor decoration, and your card is just darling!

Unknown said...

Oh! MY! This is such an adorable, cute card!
lgast24 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Super fantastic! so cool that you blew it up!!!

Tammy Schmitt said...

What an amazing talent you have. TFS:-)

~Tammy S

tammy dot schmitt at mac dot com

abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

WoW! Great lawn decora! Love the adorable card!

Carol's Creations said...

Wow! I am amazed! I love these types of decorations and have always wanted to make my own but have no idea where to begin...a tutorial from you in the future would be much appreciated!!! HINT HINT!

Esther said...

Wow, wow, wow, simply amazing!!!!!
Love it!!!

Bunnyfreak said...

The lawn art is wonderful.

Dawn said...

Wow!!!!!! Your talent is beyond words! Awesome job, very beautiful, you are extremely talented...I'm jealous! lol Have a wonderful day, oh and I'm your newest follower too.

Marcia Dehn-Nix said...

I love your lawn art! You are amazing.

DonnaMundinger said...

This TOTALLY BLOWS ME AWAY! Oh CINDY, how fabulous can you be? You're truly a gifted artist, but to be able to do it on such a grand scale is AMAZING! Really impressed with your painting,, too. I would have sworn that kitty had real fur! xxD P.S. Your darling daughter looks just like you.

Chloe and Her Clip On Koalas said...

Cindy! What a legend. LOVE it and if I had your art skills, my entire backyard would be filled with these as one mass piece of work! It's no wonder you made a profit from these kinds of decos - they are fab! x

Carrie's Corner said...

What a wonderful piece! I'm sure it looks amazing in your yard!

cau0617 at yahoo dot com

Melanie - The Paper Retreat said...

Cindy, this is absolutely amazing and how wonderful that you actually created the image used! You are super talented my friend and should continue to take to new heights! Melanie

Debeez Designs said...

Super wonderful t have an image you have created life like! It is so cute and adorable and looks amazing. Thank you for the opportunity to win one of your images i would be so lucky if I did. I have become a new follower :)

Debeez Designs said...

sorry tried to join as a new follower but could not find follow tab would love to follow can you help by joining my blog too!

Nanne said...

OMG!! I want one of those for my yard as well..wowzahs', its huge... That is so darn cool and you did such a fab job with the colors, etc.

*Star said...

OMG Cindy!!! This is so Amazing!! I am totally blown away by your creative talent! WOW!! Tfs and have a great day. :)

shelly said...

holy smokes cindy! this is an awesome decoration! guess i better learn to resize :) love love your stamps and your card is too cute for words :) have a super fun day friend :)

Karen said...

Wow, this is incredible! :o) The size is just mind-boggling. I love woodwork, but had never thought about resizing mini scenes like that! Your painting is incredible. So creative and fabulous. This must be very special to you, given the fact that it's one of your beloved digis. :o)

Hugs and blessings!

Janice W. said...

Oh Cindy! This is absolutely darling! I can see why you were able to sell so many! Your images are adorable and I love your card too! Did you cut the image out too? Amazing!

The Archiving Angel said...

Oh my goodness! This is just incredible!!!
What a piece of fabulous art.
Great job.
Crafty best,

GiGi said...

OH MY GOSH CINDY! I just LOVE that yard decoration! How cool to turn one of your digis into a wood pattern! And I just love your card too! The ribbon and stitching are fabulous! Great job!

Paper Deckerations said...

I absolutely love your blog! Every one of your projects impress me more and more! The wooden pumpkin/cat is just fantastic! I would certainly purchase one! and then to see the image on a card is just adorable! Your images are fabulous!!!
paperdeckerations at gmail dot come

jengd said...

Great idea and fabulous execution!!

Becky Dunham said...

This is amazing Cindy! I love this digi of yours but to see it "blown up life size" is amazing! I bet it looks fabulous on your front lawn! Thanks for the chance to win some of your sweet stamps :) I am already a follower.
rebeccadunham at hotmail dot com

Wendy (aka Roo) said...

Ummm...WOW!!! What a WONDERFUL artist you are!!!
This is really AWESOME, GREAT job!!!
Puppy Hugs!

Shelly said...

So Fantastic Cindy! You are just so super talented! I just love everything you create!

My 3 E Scrapbooking said...

Oh my goodness Cindy!!! I am speechless! This has got to be the most amazing Halloween decoration I have ever seen!!! Your image looks so adorable super sized!! WOW!!! I hope you are doing well! I miss stopping by!
Take care!

Jessica Buffa said...

Cindy, I thought that image looked familiar. It's the button for Stephanie's Halloween! This is phenomenal and wonderful that you dedicated the time to making it "life-size". Awesome of you to put your daughter in the pic to show its massive size. I can see why you sold so many...darned adorable, that's why!!! I already follow your blog, but I noticed your followers weren't showing and there isn't the option to follow at the top...just thought I'd give you a head's up. It might just be my computer!

Karenladd said...

Wow, your yard decoration is amazing!! This is sure to get the attention of all the ghosts and goblins in your neighborhood!

marg0006 said...

You are very talented. It looks like a whole lotta work. The card is so cute.

Unknown said...

WOWWWWWWWWW this is unbelievable!!!!! i can see why you sold so many!!!!! Cindy this is SPECTACULAR1111 Wow you have the talent lady!!!! Absolutely AMAZING!!!!! Your card is also Gorgeous!!!!! Oh by the way your daughter is a doll too!!!!! Way to go my friend!!!!! Wow!!!

scrappin2babygirls said...

wow this is just so awesome!!! thanks so much for sharing.

Nita said...

WOW! This is indcredible!!!! At first I thought it was table-top size and then I scrolled to the next photo, and was even MORE impressed!! What a fabulous yard decoration for Halloween! :)

Joan said...

Super cute whimsical images on your card.

Jayne said...

OMG Cindy...this is amazing! WOW you are SO talented.Couldn't believe how big it was and yet so perfect!!You know I'm a huge fan of your digi's but this takes them to new heights.Super,super job.
Have a great weekend.
Jayne x

Kathy's Kreative Spot said...

Wow!! awesome lawn decoration and card. Who knew you could do this with a digital stamp.
Katsews at Gmail dotcom

Anonymous said...

HOLY CANNOLI, Chickie!!!! Totally rocks! Who wouldn't love to display THAT in their front yard? Just amazing! Like, the card alone was impressive enough, with that adorable image!

Karenladd said...

I left a comment yesterday but for some reason it didn't seem to go through and I got an error message so am trying again today.
Your project is amazing and is going to get the attention of all the little ghosts and goblins in the neighborhood for sure! Love it!

katieo said...

I love your supersized project. The cat looks so furry. Your yard will certainly be a showstopper. I am your 275th follower.

Lisa's Creative Niche said...

Wow this is amazing! I love the outside decoration! How much fun!
summer_sunset54 at hotmail dot com

Felicia - Scrapper in the Making said...

This is Drop Jaw Awesome. You are one talented lady. Bravo! Smooches... Felicia - frankleecrafts [at] gmail [dot] com

Patty B said...

What a really fun thing to have in your yard! The card is beautiful, also! I LOVE kitties and I LOVE your projects!!!

Crafty_kitten at mac dot com

Trail of Treasures said...

WOW Cindy!! That is amazing!! You are one talented woman!!